lecture ! Elizabeth Gilbert oui…. "la tentation du homard"…non


here we are…. sometimes you read an author with a lot of enthusiasm… sometimes you're disappointed: Elizabeth Gilbert is usually good in my opinion. Regarding the last book I read, I bought it for the title (la Tentation du Homard in french, Stern Men in english) ; interesting for me to know more about the lobsters, about fishing…. just to compare both visions in Brittany and North America (the story takes place in Maine).

It's definitely long… longer, the longest  boring descriptions I ever read! I'm obliged to stop. I do not advise it!

On the contrary, I'll talk to you more about Eat, Pray, Love. If you have already watched the movie…. you may find a little bit too romantic….girly. You might also even think that it's a waste of time.
I would recommend the book : kind of idealistic story, but joyful, hopeful !

read it and you'll feel much better.

sur la route de Terenez

Ce sont bientôt les vacances !, l'occasion pour moi de m'apprêter à refaire des photos ensoleillées.

Have a good day,


2 commentaires:

  1. Photos bretonnes? Tu es en France?
    «mange,prie,aime»....j'ai le livre depuis un moment....Je le garde comme un bon bonbon....pour un bon moment! Bises

    1. non non, je suis toujours aux US… mais meme s'il fait maintenant très beau ici…l'ete en France commence a me démanger ! Bises….je pense en effet que ce bouquin est un Bonbon !


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