Good afternoon,
This is the end of the school year already! Times goes so fast… kids are growing even more faster… just wanted to share with you this essay, my daughter had to write. It was due last friday after the end of the DARE (program about drugs, alcohol, bad friends) session they followed over the last few months with a Police Officer. I helped a little bit to write the goals….but she mostly worked on it during class hours. I must admit that I'm quite proud and quite astonished at the same time. She will turn 11 end of july.
Have a good reading time!
Mrs Squirrel.
Hello, my name is Girly Squirrel. I’m a 5th grader at Lakewood Catholic Academy. This year, all the 5th graders had D.A.R.E. (Define, Assess, Respond, Evaluate) and learned a lot of things about the decision making process.
The main subjects we talked about were, smoking, taking drugs and medication, and drinking alcohol. The teacher did not just advise us not to go in this way. He explained with clear facts the consequences of each action for us. Moreover, we exchanged a lot about friendship and how good friends could put a good pressure helping you to achieve your goals. On the contrary, we know now how to answer to “bad friends” who would like us to do very dangerous things.
My objective in this essay is to tell you about some of my goals within the next years, following this D.A.R.E session. I hope you learn a lot and remember my essay. Enjoy!!!
From now till the end of Highschool, I would like to keep on doing track & field. This is my first goal. If the whole track team makes good decisions including me, we will always have a track to run on. I would like to keep on trying my hardest especially on the 400m. For that I will need good friends who encourage and challenge me to do my best. I learned in D.A.R.E. that good friends make good decisions. This will help me reach my first goal. I will also need to be healthy ; for example, make the right decision between smoking and I will for sure lose an opportunity to reach my goal or never begin or try to smoke, be in good health, practice everyday and I will be able to reach for the stars.
My second goal is : become a Veterinarian. I would like to achieve this goal because my Grandpa was a Vet. I want to follow his example, so that he will be particularly proud of me. Moreover, I’m sure I’ll be good at taking care of animals. What I learned in D.A.R.E. will help me because I picked up, that to do what you want, you must make the right decisions. For example, from the end of Highschool and for the rest of my life, I will have to be a very good student, learn and work hard on all subjects, especially in Sciences, Biology and Maths which are not basically my favorites. Moreover my studies will be very long, and I will have to be patient and keep my motivation. It would be a very bad idea to take drugs in order to be able to study better. On the contrary, good friends and tight links with my family will be an essential support. One more time, a very balanced and healthy life is a must. I will make decisions everyday but the one’s I will make in the future will be harder and more tempting.
I surely hope that in the future I will achieve these goals and many others with the help of my conscience and my friends, I should become a great decision maker. I hope this essay has helped those who read it. I owe special thanks to Officer Ralch, our D.A.R.E. Teacher, who spent time to answer all our questions even the most difficult in a very simple way. Moreover I want to thank all my classmates because everybody participated and asked great questions. I also advise everybody to use the D.A.R.E. booklets. The authors wrote it very clearly and it helped me a lot to practice in order to understand the decision making process.
To conclude, I just want to say that I won’t be afraid anymore to say NO if somebody asks me to do something wrong. I still have to practice more but I feel more self-confident already. I hope you enjoyed ! Thank you.
"that good friends make good decisions" j'adore cette phrase, qu'elle la garde bien en tête. Et je te souhaite que ce joli projet de devenir vétop se réalise plus tard.
RépondreSupprimerBRAVO " won’t be afraid anymore to say NO if somebody asks me to do something wrong". C'est cela savoir être un GRAND, savoir faire la différence.
Merci Florence pour ton passage la. Oui comme tu dis…c'est dans ce genre d'experience qu'on s'aperçoit (trop tard) que les enfants grandissent et deviennent matures…très vite ! mais bon…restons positifs, ils grandissent bien.
SupprimerUn grand bravo à ta fille! Je suis impressionnée par la maturité dont elle fait preuve ici ...Et ... elle va avoir 11 ans !! là, effectivement ... "ils grandissent vite, c'est vrai ... mais vraiment très bien !!" Que dire ... voilà de bonnes "clefs" pour rester concentré sur ses études, et pour plus tard...
RépondreSupprimerJe n'essaierai même pas de comparer avec mon fils qui va avoir 12 ans !
On essaie bien sûr d'être vigilant, de lui faire comprendre l'importance de ses choix, des bénéfices qu'il peut en tirer, ou aussi des conséquences, etc ... mais je ne suis pas sûr qu'il en soit bien conscient, pour l'instant !
Merci pour ce partage ;)
Il est superbe son texte ! Elle a bien compris les enjeux... Elle sait les exprimer comme il faut. Elle a de l'ambition. Elle ira loin. Tu peux être fière ;-)
RépondreSupprimerEt bonne vacances !