more colorful shots of Cleveland area during Autumn !


yes I know… more and more pictures of Cleveland and Lakewood on this blog… (for more Edgewater Park pics, see this link : / Ten on Ten oct)less and less crafty projects !  (that's exactly what all my family told me on sunday when I decided that we had to go for a walk on this chilly and windy morning)

I promise I will show you soon the little cross stitched gift I'm working on !

By then, you don't need a lot words, shots talk by themselves... so many colors, different lights ! we're living in a beautiful area. 

Enjoy !

In Edgewater Park, 

Switch on the lights !…to be honest, one of my best shot…I LOVE IT !

gorgeous orange and green leaves carpet !

Within almost 2 months the kids will have fun there… sleighing

On Riverside, in Lakewood !

11 commentaires:

  1. Wahoo! Elles sont superbes tes photos! Vraiment très réussies!
    Bises, Laetitia

  2. Réponses
    1. J'essaie j'essaie... Tu trouves que je progresse ?

  3. Vraiment très très jolies tes photos! ma préférée: celle de la sculpture dans le parc. Mais l'anglais c'est volontaire? (et pitié no "gorgeous" .....:-) )

    1. Thanks sweety ! Yes we have more and more american reading these i try to write more in english , don't you like "gorgeous" ? Why ? Here we use it a lot ! Bises

    2. Je suis d'accord avec toi concernant cette oeuvre d'art. Cela rend vraiment bien !

  4. Oh, un post en anglais! J'ai cru que je m'étais trompé de blog! And your pictures are as amazing as ever. What's wrong with "gorgeous"? We use it too in England.

    1. Yes, more and more of my friends here in ohio, try to read the to welcome them, I'm gonna try to read 1/3 posts in english.....the story with GORGEOUS is that in America, people are so positive that everything is gorgeous ! ...smetimes for us it could be a little bit deceptive...depends on what is your "base" ....versailles is gorgeous...

  5. Tes photos sont magnifiques ! C'est beau vers chez toi !

    1. Yep...simple et beau , chouette a vivire au day to day en tous cas et bien pourcelever ds enfants !


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